Read Monica Beletsky’s pilot & finale for Manhunt + an excerpt from issue 52!

August 23, 2024 Jeff Goldsmith

For your reading pleasure, please enjoy an excerpt of half the article of our interview with showrunner Monica Beletsky as she chats about her experience bringing Manhunt to TV then keep scrolling to read the entire pilot & finale scripts — from Backstory Magazine’s issue #52!

(Note: These images are straight out of our magazine which looks great on an iPad in the free Backstory App or here at on a desktop or laptop – if you’re viewing this on a phone we advise you to turn it horizontally so you can read the piece easier)










You’ve only read the *first half* of our Manhunt showrunner interview – support independent film journalism and subscribe to read the *entire in-depth article*, which continues our in-depth chat!

If you’d like to subscribe – use coupon code: SAVE5 to take $5 off your subscription and get instant access!

Click here to subscribe and get instant access to the full article!

We hope you enjoy Monica Beletsky’s pilot & finale scripts for Manhunt – at the bottom of each page you’ll see up and down arrows to continue reading.

If reading on a phone you might want to turn it sideways for landscape mode as that could be easier on your eyes.

01-Pilot-MANHUNT.101.2nd Goldenrod.06.26.2022 PAGES copy

02-Finale-MANHUNT.107.2nd Green.10.14.2022 PAGES copyWe publish in-depth articles like this all the time in Backstory!

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(*FYI – Your login to our site also works in our iPad app)

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